The new camera arrived a few days ago and we've been having fun messing around with the modes and setting. It's really the same camera as the one we lost, just their newer model. We loved our old camera! But this new one is a Canon Power Shot SD870 with Image Stabilitzation, wide angle lens, and 8 mega pixels. What do you think?
This picture was taken on the "kids & pets" setting, which is supposed to be really fast to capture moving objects. I love how the snapshot caught the water coming off Elise's feet!
Here's another one on the "kids & pets" setting. See how that basketball has only the slightest blur going up to the hoop? Sarah is improving a lot at basketball. She recently beat both her dad and her Grandpa DJ at "HORSE" - and she did it quite quickly and easily! I, her mother, beat her in a game of "PIG", but it took a long time and was not easy!
This picture was taken using macro mode on the foliage setting. I think I'm pretty impressed. I took some pictures of the pink shrub roses on the north side of the house as well that I will post eventually. I want to get a good picture of the red shrub roses to go with it, but I've always had trouble getting red to photograph as a true red. Anyone else have that trouble or know how I can fix the problem?
I've always had a difficult time capturing true red too. Do you have the ability to change your ISO? Sometimes that has helped on ours (to darken the image a bit), but there are probably other things to do as well that I have no clue :) Do know any good photographers you could ask?
Oops....Do you know...?
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