Friday, November 9, 2012


Last night Ed & I attended Parent/Teacher Conferences for all 4 of the girls. I love conferences. I love that when we sit down with the teachers, they are prepared and ready to talk to us about our daughters. I love that they ask our perceptions of how things are going for each daughter so far that year. I love that these teachers care about more than the grade on the paper. I love it that when teachers have had more than one of our girls, they ask how the older one, whom they no longer teach, is doing. I love that they listen and appreciate what we say. I love that they give fair, honest, and insightful opinions of how each girl is doing, how they could improve, and how to build on what is already going well for them.

I also love it when teachers have their students do things like this before conferences:


Each student had to write a paragraph about their parents and then the parents had to read them all and initial the one they believe is the one their child wrote about them. Ours were pretty obvious…


What is medium? This really made me laugh, but at least she didn’t write that I take naps in my spare time like a few others I read…

Now, leave a comment and guess which child wrote these for us! Maybe there will be a prize for the winners… Winking smile


Mother Superior said...


Tamara said...

i, too, guess BECCA!!!

DeJongs said...

Shoot! I didn't see this till today. My guess was Becca as well. Love it! I can just see her smiling w/ her shoulders shrugged and head tilted. Love her!