Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wondering what we’re up to?

First off, the winners are: Mother Superior and Tamara! It was easy, I know. Tamara – your prize is your little D fabric swatch. You know what I’m talking about. Mother Superior, I haven’t decided on your prize yet. Whatcha want?

Second, I strangely don’t have much to blog about. Every day is consumed with whatever is going on that day + Christmas crafting + packing. Since I can’t show pictures of the Christmas crafting, here’s what the beginning stages of packing looks like:

packing photo 1

I’ve packed a dozen boxes and the girls are complaining: “The house looks so empty!” Oh….kay….

I think they’re in for a bit of a shock.

Still no closing date. Appraisal on our current house today. Things just keep moving forward and we just keep walking forward in faith.


Tamara said...

HOORAY! I LOVE that little D fabric swatch! I also love the sight of all those boxes... b/c it means God has moved this whole process FORWARD and you are ABOUT TO MOVE INTO TOWN!!! what I want to know is what in the world you plan to do with all your extra time that will no longer be spent DRIVING back and forth and back and forth every day?! :)

DeJongs said...

Moving is such a bitter sweet feeling. Love that this is finally happening for you guys and can't wait to make more special memories in the new home.

Mother Superior said...

coffee in your new home would be a GREAT gift. i'll be there in Feb..

dee said...

Yo. Not fair. I wasn't available for the give-a-way. I suppose I'll be okay if I am invited for coffee with Mother Superior in your NEW house!

Ed / Julie said...

Coffee in the new house with Mother Superior and her friend in February will be lovely. And also with my SIL when she comes for Christmas. And with any friend that ever wants to!