Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bows & Capes in January

If you’re a faithful reader of my blog, or you live in my town, you know about the elementary Christmas program at LC where all the children wear white capes with red bows and moms arrive with coffee and their iPhones hours before the program in order to get just the right seat to capture their cherubs on film. It’s one of my most favorite days of the year and THIS year, because of a snow day, it happened in January. But, that’s OK, because the re-scheduled date was for a Thursday afternoon and my mom doesn’t teach on Thursday afternoons and so she got to come and watch for the FIRST time ever!


This is the cape my brothers & I both used, and Sarah & Bethany both used it, and this year it was Becca’s turn. Next year Elise will get to use it…although when it came back home after the program this year it had a hole in it. I guess that old sheet might finally becoming a bit thread-bare…




Becca played some sort of xylophone type instrument and did a great job!


The 4th graders also play recorders every year and they aren’t actually that awful. Winking smile



The girls always sing their hearts out!



One of the last songs was a fun “Fa la la la la” song with actions and silliness that was a “surprise” for the parents. I do remember the older girls doing that one many years ago as well…but it was fun that my “little’s” got a turn, too. The music teacher is awesome and we just LOVE how she blesses our school with her talents and love for the children and for music.

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