Sunday, August 2, 2015

Our July 3 adventure

Not any super awesome adventure…but it was hot and we wanted to do something – anything – to escape the heat for a while. We packed a picnic and headed to Bellingham (which is almost always 10 degrees cooler), to try to find some hidden beach. We were at first unsuccessful, but found ourselves at a pull-out beach that looked over Bellingham Bay. We walked around and then had our picnic.



It was a beautiful view, but did not give us the beach access we hoped for. After a little more exploring, we did manage to find the way to this hidden beach, and it really is hidden. The beach we were trying to find was called Locust Beach, and I think we did find it, though the directions were sketchy, as was the way we actually went…we parked along a gravel road, walked next to private property and under a train trestle, down some steps onto a very small beach area. If the tide had been out, it may have been more interesting, but either way, we had a nice walk, stayed cooler, and explored someplace new!


Ed & I were reminded of our hike through sugar cane on private property on Kauai to get to a little natural waterfall and pool…where we were the only ones around! This beach wasn’t quite that private, but it wasn’t crowded.






Then we headed over to AppleBee’s for Sarah’s extremely-belated-birthday-dessert and enjoyed the air conditioning!






We had lots of treats to enjoy and apparently needed pictures of them all!

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