Sunday, August 28, 2016

Somehow August came and now it's almost gone...

August. The first 12 days were horrendously slow...the anticipation of a 15 day road trip to bring your oldest to college is, as my very wise and experienced friend says, kind of like ripping off a bandaid vvveeeerrrrryyyyyy sssllllooooowwwwwwllllllyyyyy. Even so, those days must be documented. So...BEFORE we left on our #epicroadtrip, these things happened...

I had coffee with our pastor's wife one evening and happened to mention that Becca wanted to learn to play guitar, but I wasn't sure how to get a guitar or even WHAT to get in a guitar. She casually tosses out the phrase, "Well, we have a guitar in our closet she can have." Um...what?!?! For real?!?! Yep. For real. Our pastor learned to play on this's a beginner...but now he's "moved on" so this was not being used. She gave it to Becca the next day. I don't think that girl quit smiling for about 72 hours. She watched a few videos online, and learned some chords, but now I need to get her a self-teaching book or something until she can take lessons. 

On Sarah's last Sunday at Bethel until Christmas, the little girls were on the praise team, and Bethany played violin with our friend Holly and both were beautiful. So beautiful. And the girls played "On Eagle's Wings" on the violin, which always makes me cry, even though I was already crying. 

And Bethany turned SIXTEEN!!!! I should have more pictures of this event...but I don't. I'm a terrible mother. Plus also I was ripping off that bandaid for 12 days...

But, she is now a licensed driver and her friends and family spoiled her on her birthday, which is all as it should be.

We planted one cucumber plant in the garden this year. We have a gagillion cucumbers...and they are curly and GIGANTIC! How does that happen?

We did manage a trip to Edaleen to celebrate Bethany's sweet 16. Of course! This was not part of the bandaid ripping. This was sweet and is a sweet memory.

The next morning we left at 4:00 a.m. on our #epicroadtrip. 

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