Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Recital

Last week Saturday was the girls’ Christmas recital! Despite the fact that we had a busier-than-normal fall, and that the recital was earlier in the season than normal, the girls still did pretty well on their pieces! This recital was also exciting because it was Becca’s first!! She started piano this year and LOVES it. In fact, while Becca is somewhat shy and not her typical dramatic self at school, she has had no problems warming up to her piano teacher and letting her piano teacher see the real Becca. In fact, I think there are a lot of similarities between my Becca and their very talented and very funny piano teacher.

There are videos which Ed will upload eventually, but for now…a few pictures:


Bethany played Minuet in F and then a duet with me on Joy to the World.


Becca played Fuzzy Baby Bird (with a little dramatic flair at the end – a fitting piece for my girl) and a duet with me on O Come All Ye Faithful.


Bethany played a Vivaldi Concerto on her violin which was definitely the most difficult piece she’s ever tackled. She did super!


Sarah played a variation on Hungarian Rhapsody which was beautiful and which she nailed at the recital. She was so excited afterwards! She said, “Mom, did you hear that? I totally got that part! I’ve never gotten that part perfect before!” It was awesome.


Our wonderfully talented friend Holly was also there and since her baby sister was sick, she came with an aunt and so this picture is for her Mom & Dad who couldn’t be there. I have a video of her also, J&D, that I will get to you soon, too!

It’s always kind of relief to have the recital done and to have a break from the lessons and the practicing for a while. Sarah, however, has had to keep working hard since she is playing Angels We Have Heard on High in church during offertory tomorrow; plus she & Bethany are doing a piano/violin duet of O Holy Night on Christmas Eve that they are both practicing. It’s not as though they don’t practice at all after recital, it’s just a little less intense and a little less time. I let them play around with favorite songs they’ve played in the past and just generally have more fun playing than when they’re working on getting a piece ready for performance.

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