Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fun with Friends

The day after Thanksgiving, some long-time friends came over for the afternoon and evening. The girls played, the guys conquered fictional countries, and Beth & I did some crafting. Then we had dinner. Then we got down to business with settling some Catan. Guess who won? It wasn’t me!

And it wasn’t our guests!

So, that, of course, leaves Ed. Who almost always wins. My theory is that he complains and whines so much about how things aren’t going his way that we let down our guard and trade with him and don’t pay attention to the fact that he has 3 cities, largest army, and two upside-down development cards (victory points).

Brothers of mine: get ready. We’re gonna take him down at Christmas.

Anyway, some pictures from our fun evening:





Thanks for coming, dear friends! It was great to have you here! Unfortunately, I don’t think Ed’s ever going to let you win.

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