Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bad days and good days


At Sarah’s meet last Tuesday, she didn’t have her best race. In actuality, her time was right on par with everyone else that she usually competes with, as was her place. But she looked like that through most of the race and didn’t feel good at the end. Not much a momma can say to make her feel better, no matter how proud that momma is, when the girl just doesn’t feel good after the race.



THIS was at Saturday’s race. I was taking the picture thinking, “What on earth is she smiling about?” Turns out one of her best friends was at the meet, cheering her on. But the fact that she was feeling good enough to smile about it…well…let’s just say she had a good race. She placed 6th out of 84 runners and had her best time on that course (not her best time ever, but as we are all learning, it’s impossible to compare courses) and her team took 2nd!

Bad days and good days. We all have them. Good for the girl to learn.

1 comment:

DeJongs said...

Way to go, Sarah! Love that smile :)