Tuesday, July 3, 2012

summer stock 2012

For the last two weeks, the two middle children have been involved in the local Children’s Musical Theater’s Summer Stock production of Broadway’s “The Little Mermaid, Jr.” Four hours a day for 9 days+one day of dress rehearsals+two amazing directors+57 local kids (grades 3-12) who love to sing, act, and dance = two amazing performances!! I am so proud of both my B girls!

{{please excuse the bad photos…I don’t have the right lens for this photography situation, but I made do…}}













Is it just me, or has she been bitten by the drama bug?



I also have some footage, in case watching kids sing songs from “The Little Mermaid” is the kind of thing that floats your boat. Smile

“Fathom’s Below”

“Under the Sea”

“She’s In Love” (doesn’t feature any Ball girls, but Flounder is played by our good friend & neighbor)

“Les Poisson”

“Kiss the Girl”

1 comment:

Mother Superior said...

Loved seeing your girls in the production - I spotted Bethany right off but it took a few minutes before I could find Becca. FUN play!!!