Saturday, January 10, 2015

5th Grade Christmas Chapel


5th graders are a unique creature…too old for the capes & bows Christmas program, too young & inexperienced to be part of the regular Christmas band, choir, & orchestra concerts, but definitely awesome to listen to as they learn new instruments and have new musical experiences. Hence…5th grade Christmas Chapel! The first Friday of December, parents & grandparents are invited to a delightful afternoon of 5th grade musical performances. It’s wonderful, fun, and as parents, we always walk away with a ton of respect for the teachers who listen to those beginning squawky notes and turn them into a recognizable tune, and eventually, beautiful music!

Becca sits near the back of the orchestra to play her violin, so I didn’t get great pictures of her, but I did get a good shot of her playing handbells and singing in the choir. I also recorded most of the stuff she was involved in. I love Christmas concerts!




Click here for 5th grade chapel video

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