Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Turkey Trot

As I was working on editing pictures today, I discovered I had neglected to blog about one particular event…and I’m certain I didn’t intentionally not-blog about it, but it might have been a sub-conscious decision…

Several months ago, I began a Couch-to-5K training program. It’s supposed to take about 9 weeks. It took me about 9 months. That’s what happens when you only go 1-3 times/month instead of 3 times/week. Granted, I started in February, which is not the best time of year to beginning an outdoor running program when you’ve never loved running a day of your 40 year old life. About in July, Bethany started running with me and we started being somewhat more consistent about the program, and finished it towards the end of October. Yes, that’s still more than 9 weeks, but there were vacations…and really hot summer days…and you know, life.

Anyway, we finally finished the program and were challenged to run the Turkey Trot 5K put on by the Greater Bellingham Running Club the weekend before Thanksgiving to raise funds for the Bellingham Food Bank. This was a good cause and something to keep running for, even though our program was done.


So, the day came and Bethany & I went out in the cold & rain to Whatcom Falls Park and WE DID IT! We both ran the entire 5K and Bethany promises me I wasn’t in last place. Actually, I do know this to be a fact, because I passed people in the last 400 yards.

It was very different running in the morning since almost all our training runs had been done in the evening. It was also different running on hills and trails than running on the road. But WE DID IT!



Am I going to keep this up? Well, if the last 7 weeks are indicative of the answer, it would be no. I haven’t run since the race. But I don’t like the cold and rain all that much. And it was Christmastime and what good would eating all that yummy food do if I just went out and exercised? I mean, really?

Ed & I ARE doing some walking and maybe will re-start the Couch-to-5K program again in the spring. Bethany has been busy with musical, but she runs with friends when she has time.

It was a good self-esteem booster to know that I could actually complete a 5K, even if I never did learn to enjoy running or experience that “runner’s high” I have heard about. Actually, I think I may have experienced that before in my life. It’s just that I wasn’t the one running…it was Sarah.

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