Friday, January 9, 2009

A Program and water and a birthday

Finally! The LCS Christmas Program! In case you don't know the history of said program, it's for K-4, and all the kiddos wear white capes with red crepe paper bows. This is quite a tradition. In fact, the white cape Bethany is wearing says "Randy DeJong" (my brother), and then "Randy" is crossed out and "Julie" is written in. Then that's crossed out and "Michael" (my little brother) is written in. My mom saved it! It's so cool. Then it said "Sarah Ball" and that's crossed out and now it says "Bethany Ball." Bethany will next year grow into the larger size and Becca will get to wear the family hand-me-down. So cool. I remember having to walk from the elementary school to the old middle school building wearing those white capes. It'd be pouring down rain and all the kids would have red streaks down the front of their white capes from the red bows. I guess my mom was able to get the red streaks out. She's a wonder when it comes to laundry.

But, anyway...back to the subject...the program was wonderful! It ended with a finale that was fun and the kids obviously loved it - so great! Obviously, the kids were a little less than familiar with some of the songs, having had the program postponed for so long, but they did awesome, considering. Picture time!


Bethany, front row center.


She's playing the Orff instrument in this picture, which is like a xylophone-kind-of-thing. We couldn't see her real well while she was doing it, but my cousin promised to take a close-up with her good camera from the front row. It's nice having family working at the school!


This was during the finale - the kids had all sorts of fun stuff to do during the "fa la la" parts!


Elise did OK - hung out with Grandpa quite a bit.


That's water over the road that we take to get home from school. It used to be a couple feet deep over the entire roadway, but I didn't get a picture then. We did drive around the water to get home today, instead of going the long way.


One of the many fields that is now a lake.


Water completely engulfing another road on our way home, but fortunately we don't use that road very often. As you can see, the water stretches out both directions for a long ways.

And this beautiful friend of mine is having a birthday today.


I stole that picture off her blog.  Hee hee! I think it's her Senior picture - don't you love the big bangs?! I don't even have to tell you how old she is now that you see those bangs and know she's a Senior in high school. Dee is a very good friend who always makes me laugh, keeps me honest, and listens to all my yakking. She'll watch my kids anytime I need her (even when I go to sunny warm places and she has to stay in the "it-hardly-ever-snows-here-but-when-it-does-it-hardly-ever-sticks-around" state). She treats me and my family like family and the best thing about her? Since moving here (she arrived here around the same time we did) she has been converted and now also believes that scrapbooking is an excellent and FUN hobby!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for my birthday acknowledgement! I feel so special and loved...and those big bangs are going to be back in style any day now??!

Melissa said...

Cute story about the hand-me down cape for the program. Neat to hear about the tradition passed down.

I am still amazed that it flooded that bad in our county. I am also surprised our homes did not flood since we live in flood city :) Thank goodness for flood insurance, hopefully we will never need to use it!