Tuesday, March 3, 2009

buddies and blooms

So last week Becca & Elise were playing so nicely that I thought I should get a cute picture of them playing together. They actually do play nicely together most of the time, so why I thought I needed a picture on that particular day, I don't know, but I did. I took this:

IMG_0969 and then, for some reason, though I'm sure it's not because my camera was in their face...again...they turned into grumps:

IMG_0996 IMG_1000

And then they didn't get along and play nicely together anymore. I put the camera away in hopes of better success with their sisters later on. Sarah & Bethany are usually good buddies too:

IMG_1016 in fact, they were such good buddies on Friday that they hardly could get their homework done! I ended up having to separate them! I'm sure you're wondering why I made them do homework on Friday afternoon. Well, I didn't. They just have a "weekend list" and homework is on it, and they chose to do that instead of all the other torturous things I had planned for them over the weekend.

It's not all work, though. That would make for 4 very crabby girls. They did get to play.

IMG_1042 From this picture, you might think Becca won. But, I doubt it. They were playing Wii tennis - doubles. I think Sarah won and Becca just had the pleasure of being Sarah's partner. The pillows are on the floor as a boundary to protect the TV from any wayward Wii-mote swinging.

We had a pretty nice weekend, and I even got to enjoy a bowl of mocha latte fudge ice cream on Saturday evening with my favorite buddy:

IMG_1077 We ate our ice cream and watched an entire movie all in one night! That is pretty unusual for us, actually. I usually get so tired that it takes 2 or 3 nights to watch a whole movie. But we had slept in on Saturday morning, so I was able to make it through the entire movie. Gosh, I sound so old.

IMG_1093 My favorite buddy installed this nice wall shelf rack thingy in the laundry room on Sunday afternoon. I am really loving it, except that the old pegs that had broken left big holes in the wall (covered by the backpacks in this picture) that I now have to fill and repaint and I really don't want to because I know that the little bit of paint we have left from painting the laundry room doesn't actually match the paint on that wall. It's a long story, but it doesn't match and it annoys me. I do love the rack, though, and now the backpacks are sturdy and each girl has their own little cubby. Nifty.

And now for the blooms...Monday afternoon was sunny, so I took advantage and went and admired my early spring blooms. IMG_1102



Above: taken later in the afternoon when the sun was low. Love that glow!



P.S. I'm so proud of myself. The only editing done to these flower pictures was a tiny bit of cropping and adding the text - no color adjustment or fine-tuning the sharpness or using soft focus or anything! Amazing what natural light can do for a photograph! Plus, I'm finally figuring out the Av mode on the camera, which makes me soooo happy!


Melissa said...

Lovely pictures! I'm glad you figured out the Av, because that is pretty much all I use, unless something is running around :) I LOVE the heather picture and the hellebores is beautiful too. I also like it when my camera naturally softens the picture with the light. Editing pictures is too much work for me. I rarely use Piknic, but it's fun once in a while when you need that something special. Oh, and I am impressed you made it through a whole movie, good job :D Have a great day!

Rachael said...

You're making me jealous with all your Spring pictures...we won't have the feeling of Spring for quite awhile yet. I miss the beauty of WA in Springtime SO MUCH!

Melissa said...

I realized my comment makes me sound like I never edit pictures, sorry to sound all snooty :) I do crop and lighten or darken sometimes!

Ed / Julie said...

Melissa - you didn't sound snooty at all. You made me laugh when you said that! I also think that editing pictures is too much work and MUCH prefer when the picture actually turns out like it's supposed to!
Rachael - COME VISIT..but wait a couple weeks...we've got a little winter weather headed our way yet this week, I think.