Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Fun and Fabulous Fifteenth

My fabulous parents agreed to take the girls for this past weekend so that Ed & I could celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. We didn’t want to do anything fancy…just the new trend of a “staycation” – sleep in, in our own beds, have some fun, get some stuff done around the house, go to places we wouldn’t normally go with the girls, etc. It was great! In fact, it could not have been more FANTASTIC!

We began at the Hearthfire Grill on Friday evening for dinner. We first had flatbread and salad. I ordered the flank steak, (YUM) which came with cornbread pudding. Now I am not normally a fan of either cornbread or pudding, so I didn’t figure I would be eating the cornbread pudding. Looking back, I am surprised I didn’t ask to substitute it with fries or something. BOY, AM I GLAD I DID NOT!!!! That cornbread pudding was in.cred.i.ble. I can’t even begin to describe it to you, but if I liked it, it had to have been good. Trust me.


  1. The fire outside the restaurant
  2. The view from our table
  3. Ditto
  4. Ed’s Classic Lime Margarita
  5. Ed’s burnt creme
  6. My Gooey Chocolate Cake
  7. A bunny in the grass outside the restaurant we saw on our walk
  8. Black-eyed Susans

After our amazing desserts, we had to take a walk around the water a bit – watched a wedding reception line, watched the boats, and just generally began to feel a little less full.


Anybody know what kind of plant produces seed pods that look kind of like radishes?


That’s the flower, before it becomes a radish seed pod.


We then headed to the most romantic store ever – Home Depot – and bought some lightbulbs and hose racks. We watched a movie – all the way from start to finish – and slept in on Saturday morning until 8:00! That’s late for me!

We got up and did some yard work that is hard to do when the kids are gone…fertilizing and such. In the afternoon we headed to the Farmer’s Market, bought some foccacia bread from Great Harvest, and then out to float in the kayak on Lake Whatcom! It was pretty fun, although it would have been nice if Mom & Dad would have instructed us about making sure you have the boat facing the right way. From the top, it looks exactly the same, but man, we were having some trouble going forward! The dang boat kept trying to turn around. Just for kicks we tried paddling backwards. Wow! That was easier. Sure enough, when we got out of the boat, there were little rudders on the bottom, obviously useful only in one direction. We had fun anyway. We saw a fawn on our drive and picked fistfuls of blackberries from the side of the road.


  1. The fawn we saw on North Shore Drive
  2. Ed walking the path to where we kayaked. He’s carrying a little doggie bag. Literally. We wanted to pick blackberries, but had nothing to put them in. On the trail there are little boxes with doggie bags. You know. So you can “pick up” after your dog. Well, we took one, and since it was unused, we used it to hold the blackberries we picked. Our little doggie bag of berries. Hee.
  3. The spot on Lake Whatcom where we “put in” to kayak.
  4. The notches on the big log just so you can get into a boat from that log.

It was such a nice, peaceful area of Lake Whatcom – not too many homes, not too many boats. We even saw a bald eagle circling overhead!

We then headed to Fairhaven and Fred Meyer to finish up some much-wanted shopping, had dinner on the couch in front of the TV watching the Mariners. I don’t think we’ve done that in 11 years. That was so relaxing. Weird, I know, but relaxing.

Sunday morning I slept until 8:45! I have never in my life slept that late…at least not in my adult life. Even in college I could barely sleep past 8:00. I’m a morning person, as long as my morning doesn’t start before 6:30 a.m. It was fun to go see the girls again after such a refreshing and fabulous fifteenth anniversary weekend!

Perhaps you noticed the bolded words in this blog post. We found it very funny how many of our fabulous fifteenth functions began with F. Fitting, don’t you think?

Also, just have to make a tribute to my friend, Dee, here. She & her hubby recently celebrated their seventeenth anniversary in much the same way. Happy Anniversary to you guys, too! They were married one day after us, only, two years earlier. :) Too bad we didn’t know each other back then…

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love your photos, great summary of your weekend :) I like how you used the numbers to describe the picture. I sometimes want to explain a picture but can't figure out how to do to, thanks for the idea!