Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Amy!

I know it’s dangerous to start including the birthdays of friends on my blog because what if I forget someone and how do I decide which friends make the cut, etc? Well, I’ll tell you what. When I know in advance about a friend’s birthday, I’ll post a Happy Birthday. If I don’t, I won’t. No hard feelings either way, okay? So, if you want me to say Happy Birthday to you on my blog, you better make sure I know it’s your birthday coming up that week. (And no, Amy did NOT make sure that I knew about her birthday. Somebody else spilled the beans at Bible Study).

So, my dear friend Amy is celebrating a birthday today! She’s a fellow scrapbooker, my Bible Study leader, and my go-to person when I need pretty much any kind of domestic advice. I {heart} being in her Bible Study group – she’s thoughtful and gentle in the way she leads, and inspires me to listen more. I {heart} scrapbooking with her – she’s classic and simple and gifted. I also totally {heart} shopping at IKEA with her because she loves the same stuff I do and lets Lea talk her into putting strainers on her head for a picture, which, I’m pretty sure, is something she would not ordinarily do. Me either!

I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are, Amy! Enjoy your evening out!


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I heart Amy as well! She is an amazing woman with much wisdom and insight!!