About 14 years ago, I inherited several pieces of furniture from Ed’s mom & step-dad because they were “down-sizing” and becoming “gypsies.” In other words, they were selling their house and getting rid of possessions in order to live in their RV full-time and travel the country working at different job sites. One of the things I inherited, and use every single day, is her roll-top desk. After I had the desk for a while, I decided I needed a special chair for it and I bought a ladderback chair at a garage sale for $10. It is not an antique, but it is cool. I used it for 14 years and lately it just seemed…dull. It had some nicks. It had some scratches. Regular old polishing just wasn’t cutting it anymore. So I decided to paint it.
A fun color.
It’s called “exotic sea.”
It’s actually more turquoise than it looks in these pictures, for some reason having to do with how one’s eye works with one’s brain and how a camera doesn’t actually capture what one’s eye sees because the camera isn’t connected to a brain. That’s my version of what Ed said.
Have I mentioned that spray paint is my new best friend?
Anyway, the chair cushion is yet a work in progress…I had some fun fabrics (already on-hand, which makes them very desirable to use and FREE!) and when I laid them out over the chair seat, it appeared as though it would fit. HOWEVER, I failed to take into account the fact that I was adding some two-inch foam to the seat. Therefore, one piece of fabric did not cover the seat. I had to use two pieces, which is actually a little strange-looking and so…eventually when I find some cute fabric on-sale, I will purchase enough to cover the entire thing and will do it properly.
I don’t know if this chair will stay turquoise forever…it’ll probably end up black or white at some point, but that’s the beauty of spray paint!
i LOVE the color and think the chair should stay this way (well, with new fabric) for a long, long time!
I love your "new" chair!! Can I just have a teeny tiny bit of your motivation? I seem to be seriously lacking in it this summer.
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