Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Reformation Day!
Anyway, my sister-in-law sent me this youtube video about Luther. Click on this link to watch your official Reformation Day entertainment.
The Reformation Polka
The especially funny part is what Elise said. She came up and sat on my lap just as the video was starting. If you have already watched it, you know that it starts with a cartoon drawing of the exterior door of a church and an organ playing "A Mighty Fortress." Elise has never actually been to a church service - she just goes in the backdoor and down the stairs to the nursery and yet, when she saw the cartoon drawing and heard the music she said, "That's church!" I'd say Reformed is in her blood!
Enjoy your Reformation Day!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another birthday post
And just so there's a picture in this post:
Happy 5th Birthday, Rebecca!
Becca was born at 4:45 p.m. on October 28, 2003 and she weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. She was 20 inches long. The funniest thing about her birth is that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her in several very odd ways, around her neck, through her legs, around her waist, over her shoulder, and on and on. Ed says the doctor put Becca down on the table, grabbed the loose end of the cord and yanked. Ed says Becca just flopped around on the table like a little fish until the cord was all unwound. I didn't see it, but it sounds very funny to me...a little horrible for a newborn, but also very funny.
She was also born with a strange birth mark. I had noticed that there was something in her hair, which was pretty dark even then. There was this spot of hair on her head that had something white in it and I kept trying to scrub it out. I finally took a closer look and discovered that all the hairs coming out of the nickel-sized spot on her head were completely white hairs! The doctor said that it's basically the "opposite of a birth mark" - no pigmentation there, so all the hairs are white. My mom calls it "natural highlights". But, now her hair is so thick, you don't see the white strands very often - you really have to look for them all in there, but they are still there!
Her name...Rebecca was Ed's favorite girl name of all time. I was absolutely dead-set against it for both Sarah & Bethany and until about 3 weeks before Becca was born. We were all set to go with another name, but then I suddenly couldn't handle that name any more, so I told Ed that we could go with Rebecca if he REALLY wanted to and if we spelled it the American way and if we called her Becca and not Becky. (The reason I didn't want the name was because when I was teaching I had a student named Rebekah who was absolutely one of the most difficult children I had ever met. I eventually realized that I couldn't remember what she looked like anymore and that my new association with that name would change all my feelings.) Anyway, Ed said YES! and that's where her first name came from. Her middle name, Lily, is from Matthew 6 where it talks about the lilies of the field in the "do not worry" passage. While I was pregnant with Becca, Ed's mom became sick with brain cancer and it was a very stressful time in our lives. I'm sure that's part of why my pregnancy was so difficult - I was so stressed. Anyway, Matthew 6 had become a regular part of my Bible reading, so I wanted a constant reminder of that and so we used Lily as Becca's middle name.
We kind of wanted Lily as her first name originally, but if you shorten Lily, it becomes Lil' and then her name would be Lil' Ball. Yeah. Not so good.
Becca was a good baby, yet always made sure that her presence was known. From a very early age she was the drama queen, always making everyone laugh with her expressions - both of word and of face - and loving all the attention. Here are a couple of my favorite Becca stories:
When Becca was about 2 1/2, she was being very mean to her sisters and taunting them. I told her that she needed to be nice to her sisters and that Jesus wants us to be nice and he loves it when we're nice to each other. She promptly replied, "Is JESUS gonna spank me?"
When Becca was almost 3, she was not quite potty-trained. I was trying every method in the book to get that child to use the potty. It was frustrating because I knew she COULD, she just WOULDN'T. So, one time she was sitting on the potty and she wasn't going, even though I knew she had to go and so I tried reverse-psychology. I went on and on about how I didn't really care if she ever used the potty and it didn't really matter and I just went about cleaning the bathroom while we were in there, not really paying any attention to her at all. She just looked at me matter-of-factly, my not-caring having made no difference to her - and said, "Well, why don't you get me off of here then?"
Hm. Why don't I?
She potty-trained the day she turned 3. She said, "It's my birthday and I'm 3 now?" I said, "Yep, you sure are!" and she said, "Okay, then I'll use the potty" and promptly went and did it all by herself and was completely trained from there on out. Let that be a lesson to me as I attempt to "train" Elise...
Oh boy, I know there are many, many more stories...I'm sure a lot of you could even share one yourself! So, if you have a Becca story to share, go ahead and write a comment and share the story that you remember about Becca! Thanks!
You may also view pictures of Becca as she grew up at this web album: Becca through the Years. Enjoy!
Here are a few pictures from the family party this past Sunday. Click here to go to the web album with those photos.
Today is also my Grandma DeJong's 86th birthday! Happy Birthday, Michigan Grandma! It is also my dear friend Tami Rouw Nelson's birthday, so Happy Birthday to you! I tried to call you, but hopefully you were out celebrating!
So, enjoy your October 28 and if you know Becca (or my Grandma or my friend Tami), give thanks for their lives and what they mean to all of us!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday is Family Fun Day!
On Saturday, after chores and instrumental practicing were again completed, we went and took some pictures by the few leaves we have in our yard (yay! no raking here!) and then headed to... some friends at the mall to see "High School Musical 3" which just opened this weekend! Our girls LOVED the first two and so my friend Dee & I surprised the kids. It was really fun to taunt them all morning long with what we were going to do and tell them how much they were gonna LOVE the surprise. Sarah, Bethany, and Becca were about going beserk with not knowing. They kept guessing stuff like "Are we getting ice cream?" or "Are we going to a friends' house?" and I'd say "It's BETTER than that!" and then, imagine! It WAS better than that!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Caterpillars and Cleaning
Aren't they so cute? I'm talking about my girls here... ;)
Becca & Elise found two of those black & orange fuzzy caterpillars and we spent quite a lot of time letting them crawl around on our hands and curl up whenever they got scared...which, for Elise's caterpillar, was most of the time. She kept trying to unstretch it whenever it curled up, which just made it curl up more.
But watching Becca be calm and gentle with her caterpillar gave her some ideas and she finally was able to hold still long enough to let her caterpillar walk around freely on her hand too.
Eventually I made them put the caterpillars into the field behind our house. I promised them God would take care of those caterpillars and that made it OK to leave the caterpillars there. It was a fun afternoon outside, that's for sure!
I've finally finished reading The House That Cleans Itself and I have to say, the woman that wrote the book is a very good writer. She's a novelist, apparently...she writes fiction novels...and I think this book has a bit of fiction in it also. ;) I do think it has some good tips, especially for those organizing-challenged people, but it certainly didn't cure me of my "I love a clean house, but I hate actually cleaning because it's just going to be dirty again" attitude. But you know, I think I need to learn to appreciate the dirt - it means that my house is full of our fabulous children and that we are all living life here together.
Life is dirty.
There. I said it.
(Not sure I can actually accept it, though.)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Interesting things I've read lately...
2. Margaret Wise Brown, author of "Good night Moon" (You know the book...goodnight moon, goodnight cow jumping over the moon, goodnight bears, goodnight chairs....goodnight noises everywhere"?) Anyway, Margaret Wise Brown, at age 42, after having an emergency appendectomy, kicked her leg to show her speedy recovery and consequently died from dislodging a blood clot from the surgery. Freaky. She also willed all the royalties of her books to a friend's son who has squandered almost the entire amount, over $5 million, and been arrested "dozens of times".
That'll teach me to read magazines in the dentist's office.
Oh, and Elise fell out of her toddler bed last night. I'm not sure how or where she landed, since Ed got up with her, but she surely was screaming! She's fine, though. She slept in until 7:30 today!
Sorry - no photos again today...I'll try to work on that for next time. Enjoy your day!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Freaking Out
Because by the time we get Elise through those years, I'm going to be very tired. And hopefully very proud.
Monday, October 20, 2008
My apologies...
But anyway,
for some reason I had it in my head that Ted Danson was a republican. And I was pretty sure I was right!
And Dee was pretty sure that Ted Danson had been married to Whoopi Goldberg.
Turns out we were both wrong...but I was MORE wrong. Ted Danson is not a republican. He supported Clinton...both of them, I think. Ted Danson was not married to Whoopi, but they were "romantically involved".
Anyway, now I have to apologize publically because Dee wrote a blog about all the things she learned at her scrapbooking weekend and she wrote that she learned that Ted Danson is a republican. All because of me.
Read Dee's post here and be sure to know that everything else on her blog is the truth.
At least, I think so. But I'm still pretty tired.
I'm not a baby, I'm a toddwer!
Here she is on her first night sleeping in the toddler bed:
We bought it on craigslist - for $20 right here in Everson! Love craigslist!
Now if only she would conquer all those other toddler no more binky and that would be a celebration!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
And the winner is...
Why dear? Is something amiss?
I reminded him about my experiment (yes, he agreed to it before I started) and he kind of remembered talking about it at some point. So, he's the winner because he actually noticed and cared.
This past Friday - Saturday I had the pleasure of scrapbooking with a bunch of other scrapbooking moms in Bellingham. I left NO CHORES for anyone to do, other than homework and musical instrument practice time. You should have seen this place when I arrived home! I was not crabby about it, since it was part of the experiment and all...but I felt a teensy bit crabby about it. Supposedly Bethany had gotten sick of some of the mess and picked up a bit, and Sarah had decided to surprise me and straighten up Becca's room...but it was pretty much all disaster again by the time I got home.
So we had a little talk about how putting things away when we're done with them and putting things in their place will help everyone and how we must all work together. Then everyone willingly helped clean up the house, which was basically done in about 15 minutes, and we even had time to look at the scrapbook pages I did on my weekend away before the pizza was done baking in the oven. So now, with a new week beginning, I am praying that the little experiment will have at least some effect on how everyone deals with their own belongings...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pumpkins and Chalk
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Read the next post first
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Sound of Music
My house does not, and I don't think it ever will, clean itself.
I think the title is just a gimmick to get people like me who hate to clean to buy the book.
Sure, it has some pretty interesting suggestions on organizing and scheduling your cleaning, but it's pretty much for totally organizing-challenged people...which I am least not most of the time.
One interesting thing it asks the reader to do is to "prayer walk" through your house...kind of like the prayer walks through neighborhoods that some churches do. You're supposed to pray about the room and ask for guidance when organizing and pray for the people that use that room, etc. I haven't tried it yet, but I might.
The author of the book makes another suggestion that I am implementing...and that is to not clean for 3 days.
Can you imagine?
I'm not allowed to do anything cleaning-wise except putting food away and doing the dishes...and that's purely so that food doesn't rot and smell up my house. The author asks you to do this so you can identify "problem areas" in the house and then later figure out how to change the house so that putting things away is easier.
However, I'm doing this because I want to see how long it takes my family to notice. I'll be sure to let you know who notices first, if anyone...maybe I should have a prize for the first one to notice and care and do something about it! Anyone care to wager a guess which of the other four girls or guy in this house it will be?
But anyhoo, the real reason for this blog post is to show you some darn cute videos of my youngest two drama queens. Their favorite song of late is "Do, Re, Mi" from The Sound of Music. I gotta tell ya, Becca gives that cute little Gretl a run for her money. :) Hopefully you have much success watching the videos!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
An update...
Maybe I need to snap my fingers like Mary Poppins...
Or wiggle my nose like Samantha in Bewitched...
Or nod my head like the genie, Jeanie...
I'll let you know how that works out for me. Enjoy your sunny Sunday!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The house that cleans itself...
I figured, "What a deal! A house that cleans itself? Amazing - I must get that book, and after all, it's only $5!" I brought it home and set it out. So far, it's not working very well...take a look at these messes I found around the house after I brought the book home...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sm' Apples
This morning it is cold and sunny and I am drinking coffee with a turtleneck sweater on...Ed lit the pilot light in the fireplace last night and we had it on for a's all just yummy.
But anyway...apples! This past Tuesday a few friends & I headed out to our local *cheap* apple farm, S'm Apples. It's U-pick apples for 30 cents per pound! What a deal! Jonagolds are their main variety there, though apparently they do have Gala and they are raising Honeycrisp, which will be ready in a few years.
Becca's putting her apples into the bag on the wagon.
Becca & friend Sam running down the road next to the orchard.
And the mud puddles were made for stompin' in!
I picked about 60 pounds of apples in about a half hour - so big and plentiful on the trees! What am I going to do with all those apples you ask? Well, with just a bit of prep, some sugar, cinnamon and heat...I can turn this:
into this
and then this.
Come on over! I'll make you some coffee and if you stay for dinner, you can have some yummy applesauce!